MATLAB E4 Simulation Tool (E4ST) Download

MATLAB E4 Simulation Tool (E4ST) Download

In 2023, E4ST was rewritten into Julia and released as a publicly available package, E4ST.jl. The following page refers to the previous version of E4ST which was written in MATLAB. The MATLAB version of E4ST is still available for download and use but will no longer be developed or updated.

Users can access the interface of the MATLAB E4ST by standard Matlab-style commands. For details, see the Usage section in the documentation that is bundled with the code in the downloadable files. Developers can add policies to the input data sets or develop additional features by creating subclasses that inherit from the included interface classes. The design separates the code and the input and output data into the root folder and subfolders named InputData and OutputData, respectively. It also includes a test class to allow the developer to test each class and function hour by hour.

The version of E4ST below is not the current version. To request the current version, contact the developers.

Complete 3-Bus Model

The download below also contains a ready-to-use 3-bus model that contains all of the types of input data. Though E4ST can simulate models with thousands of buses, this user-modifiable 3-bus model is sufficient for testing the various features of E4ST.

Getting Started

To be able to run your own simulations using E4ST, you will need the following:

System Requirements:

  • MATLAB R2013b or later
  • MATPOWER version 5.1 or later
  • the E4ST code, available as a ZIP file under Download below

It is also highly recommended that you install a high-performance LP/QP solver supported by MATPOWER such as Gurobi, CPLEX, MOSEK, Matlab’s Optimization Toolbox or GLPK, described in the Appendix of the MATPOWER User’s Manual.

Steps to install E4ST:

  1. Download and extract the E4ST zip file with the E4ST code and 3-bus model example model, linked in the Download section below.
  2. Unzip the downloaded file.
  3. Follow the instructions in the Installation section of the E4ST User’s Manual, included in the docs subdirectory.


We request that those using the generator data or toolbox for their research please cite the following references:

Daniel L. Shawhan, John T. Taber, Di Shi, Ray D. Zimmerman, Jubo Yan, Charles M. Marquet, Yingying Qi, Biao Mao, Richard E. Schuler, William D. Schulze, and Daniel J. Tylavsky, “Does a Detailed Model of the Electricity Grid Matter? Estimating the Impacts of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative,” Resource and Energy Economics, Volume 36 Issue 1, January 2014, pp. 191–207.

Biao Mao, Daniel Shawhan, Ray Zimmerman, Jubo Yan, Yujia Zhu, William Schulze, Richard Schuler, Daniel Tylavsky. “The Engineering, Economic and Environmental Electricity Simulation Tool (E4ST): Description and an Illustration of its Capability and Use as a Planning/Policy Analysis Tool.” Proceedings of the 49th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Computer Society Press, forthcoming January 2016.
